
Menampilkan postingan dari April, 2018

Inpactor-provides project management tools designed specifically for social projects.

Hello everyone, in this post I would like to talk about the project Inpactor Platform Blockchain for Humanity Work, and for more details, proceed to the following discussion: Introduction Inpactor is a core technology that provides a scalable solution for The instigator's approach to CSR. This will not only create a more social effect, since it allows anyone to use the platform for free, and also allows better and more consistent development of solutions for the tasks of stakeholders. Cases of use The purpose of Inpactor is to solve the problems faced by Brands, Reasons and Volunteers, working on CSR projects and social impact and providing the right incentives for everyone while they are doing it. The current ecosystem does not provide a single store of humanitarian work. There are players who seek to solve individual problems with stakeholders, but none of them affect the system as a whole. Here is a brief overview of solutions Inpactor provides brands, causes and vo...

INPACTOR-mira a migliorare la responsabilità sociale delle imprese (CSR) del settore portando un nuovo ecosistema di umanitarismo intelligente.

Ciao a tutti, in questo post vorrei presentare il progetto Inpactor Platform Blockchain per Humanity Work e per maggiori dettagli andiamo alla seguente discussione: introduzione: Inpactor è la tecnologia di supporto che fornisce una soluzione scalabile per Approccio di incitamento alla CSR. Non solo consentirà la creazione di un maggiore impatto sociale, poiché consente a chiunque di utilizzare la piattaforma gratuitamente, ma anche di progettare soluzioni migliori e più coerenti per le sfide degli stakeholder. Casi d'uso: Lo scopo di Inpactor è quello di risolvere le sfide che Marchi, Cause e Volontari incontrano mentre lavorano su progetti di CSR e di impatto sociale e forniscono i giusti incentivi per ciascuno di essi mentre lo fanno. L'attuale ecosistema non fornisce uno sportello unico per il lavoro umanitario. Ci sono giocatori che mirano a risolvere i problemi dei singoli stakeholder, ma nessuno che si rivolge al sistema nel suo complesso. Ecco una panoram...


HALLO親愛的所有社區。 憑藉區塊鏈日益突出的優勢,其大部分功能被證明是區塊鏈可以提供的優勢,因此其安全功能的可靠性得到了增強。 Matchroom 將管理平台在操作上不可行的封鎖,以確保其在行業內的地位。 ●促進日常的遊戲活動 ●解決現代遊戲困境 ●支持獨立開發人員和組織者 ●促進行業增長 Leet娛樂集團有限公司(以下簡稱Leet娛樂公司), Matchroom 的開發商計劃通過 Matchroom Tokens(以下簡稱MR代幣或MRT)的初始投幣產品(ICO)籌集1,000萬美元。 這些資金將全面發展到 Matchroom 平台的關鍵功能和功能,並擴大其用戶群。 MRT為 Matchroom 平台上的用戶提供了獨特的實用功能,如本白皮書所述。 市場概況 遊戲模式的演變 博彩行業一直與 ICT 總體發展速度保持一致,隨著時間的推移而穩步發展。 現在的遊戲市場可以清晰地分為兩大類:按需付費( P2P )和免費遊戲( F2P )。 支付即玩( P2P )模型,其中涉及博彩收入建模; 在 P2P 系統下,完全預付最好的遊戲之一,每月支付臨時玩遊戲的權利,或者兩者的組合。 這種形式多年來一直處於領先地位,所有平台( PC ,控制台等)的適應率都達到了大約 100% ,取得了巨大的成功。 一個不出所料的發展,作為一個選擇在當時非常稀缺。 電子競技的興起 全球電子競技用戶現在已達 2.56 億,東南亞地區是全球增長最快的地區,預計到 2019 年將達到 4000 萬。雖然電子競技運動員被西方球員所主宰,但亞洲人越來越支配 頂級電子競技運動員參加國際比賽。 雖然人們對電視和電視遊戲比賽的興趣日益增加,但它還沒有達到像網球和足球這樣的專業運動的進步和復雜程度。 但那一天越來越近了。 BLOCKCHAIN&CRYPTOCURRENCY Matchroom 一直以來都是一款面向社區的社區產品,並且在消費者的鞋子中走過了一段諺語, Matchroom 的團隊比任何人都更了解安全性和穩定性對創造有利環境的重要性 消費者可以無需擔心地工作。 簡而言之, Matchroom 旨在通過區塊鏈技術,通過智能合約和平台監控等工具減輕數字交易中的各種風險,並利用區塊鏈優惠的各種增值功能。 ●促進日常的遊戲活動 ●解...

YORITEX: fornisce ai non residenti e all'UE pagamenti efficienti transfrontalieri

Yoritex è una società canadese che sta lavorando a un progetto unico nel campo delle tecnologie finanziarie - SimcoePay ™. È anche considerata la prima banca multinazionale multinazionale europea per residenti e residenti in Europa Banca online SimcoePay ™ è una soluzione bancaria alternativa moderna ed efficiente che è implementata nella giurisdizione di uno dei paesi dell'Unione Europea e sarà ugualmente conveniente per residenti e non residenti dell'UE, fan della cripto-valuta e sostenitori della moneta tradizionale sistema. Yoritex Inc. garantisce pari diritti e opportunità per i residenti e non residenti nell'UE quando effettua la manutenzione presso SimcoePay ™ Online Banking. Ogni cliente EC SimcoePay ha la possibilità di ricevere un conto di pagamento IBAN multivaluta e un portafoglio criptovaluta con l'opzione di apertura remota, oltre a una carta di debito multi-valuta e servizi bancari completi, inclusi programmi di scoperto, bonus e partecipazione a ...

INVOX FINANCE - 是一個完全分散的平台,各方在信息和交易中建立聯繫並創造透明度。

什麼是Invox財務? Invox Finance 是一個為發票融資概念帶來透明度的平台。 它使用Blockchain技術構建,使其透明且無紙化。 這不僅帶來了開放性,而且還帶來了很好的功能,可以讓發票融資的風險降低,並為所有相關方帶來更多盈利。 讓我們來看看這些功能以了解更多信息。 如果您不介意訪問我們的網站( )以獲取我們團隊的最新數據。 系統用戶 投資者正在尋找更高的回報和多元化的投資組合。 有賣家發票的賣家可以加速其現金流。 將收到發票付款期限的買家更新並獎勵發票驗證。 傳統的發票融資工程 您可能知道我們正在面對一些傳統的開票融資問題,它們是: 交易者和買家可以共同計劃或計劃欺騙貸款人。 商戶可以發出尚未完全完成的管理收據或者不同意商定的決定或要求的項目。 買家可以辯論分期付款義務。 許多副程序的質量也存在問題,包括合法的文檔。 權威檔案的規劃和執行既困難又昂貴,可能包括各種外部供應商。 買方可能會被銷毀並且無法支付請求。 商人在未得到貸方同意的情況下,可以訓練買方向他們支付特殊請求,而不是將資產退還給代理人。 傳統發票融資的主要問題在於,從發牌人處獲得發票並將資產推給他的投資者與買方沒有直接關係。 代理商完全相信經銷商提供的數據。 因此,商家和買家之間的關係並非真正直接向貸方提供,並以這種方式暴露了金融家對未經支付的發票的重大損害,如同意或爭議。 什麼是發票融資? 定制收據的融資取決於賣方融資人的購買發票。 因此,金融家同意根據每張發票向經銷商提供資金。 購買賣家產品的買家必須向投資者支付特殊發票。 Invox Finance Platform如何解決問題? Invox 財務平台是一個分散式點對點發票貸款平台,可讓賣家,買家,投資者和其他服務提供商直接連接,互動,共享和分發信息。 該平台旨在通過促進雙方之間的透明度和令人滿意的業績創造互信的環境。 該平台將通過實施一個系統,通過其所包含的獎勵系統開發各方之間的信任和透明度,從而破壞和革新傳統的發票融資。 此外,交易和信息流的實施不依賴於單一的集中式服務提供者,而是受完全分佈式賬本上實施的一組透明規則的控制...

SAFINUS - platformek şoreşger ji bo veberhênanên çavkaniyê di çavkaniyên cryptografî û ICO,

SAFINUS ji bo veberhênanên şoreşger e ku di çavkaniyên krîptografîk û ICO de, destûr dide ku çavkaniyên nû yên ku çavkaniyên qirpê bibin ku di portfiroşeka profîlê de, di çend kulikan de şirovebarên ICO-krîptî û portfolios. Herweha, veberhênerên balkêş dikarin asta asta sermayeyê zêde bikin, dema ku bazirgan û fînansên profesyonel dikarin li ser asta gerdûnî nuh xerîb bikin. Hûn dikarin ji Safinus re wekî fona platformê ji bo fona hedge, lê ji bo ji bo qirêjiyê û ne ji bo nirxên wekheviya kevneşopî ya kevneşopî û bi zêdebûna zêdekirinê: rêveberiya rêveberiya hemû portfîlmên belaş dikarin ji ber ku çalakiya birêveber di astengên qeydkirî de têne parastin. kîjan fonksiyonên kevneşopî birêvebirin. Ew çawa dixebite? Bazirganî afirand ku veberhênan çêkir, li ser platformê, bi pereyê xwe ve tê kirin. Piştre ew bi qewimên qirêjî yên qirêjî û sîneyên sazkirî dikin. Performansa wan, çi an baş an xirab, platformê Safinus ji bo veberhênanên din ên din digerin. Li ser band...

BIRAKE-developed on top of the Ethereal block, which is compatible with the ERC223 standard, which is an enhanced version of its predecessor ERC20 standard.

BIRAKE is built by software companies that have been operating since 2010 in the web software industry. We are a real company, we are more active in the media industry and especially in South America. We have portfolio and software solutions that supported more than 20 million users a day. Since 2010, we have developed / implemented global content management systems for different industries. By now, the main activity of our business is the financial industry and the media. We are experienced traders in the forex industry and we end with the cryptographic industry for more than 5 years. We have implemented automated trading systems, exchange platforms, and recently we are focusing on the area of ​​encryption. As traders and investors, we overcame the situation with the overload of the trading platform in the cryptographic area. In particular, in 2017 more than 50% of large cryptography Trading platforms have been overloaded / closed / inoperative for long periods of time. For this ...

BIRAKE-operates in the web software industry

INTRODUCTION BIRAKE is built by software companies that have been operating since 2010 in the web software industry. We are a real company, we have been increasingly active in the media industry and in South America. We have portfolio solutions and software that has been supported by more than 20 million users per day Beginning with 2010 we have developed / implemented global content management systems for different industries. All of these, the main ones Our business activities are the financial industry and the media. We are experienced trading in forex industry and end with cryptography industry for more than 5 years. We have implemented automated trading system, current platform, and full of this we focus more on the encryption area. As traders and investors, we have experienced a situation of overloading trading platforms in cryptographic areas. In 2017, there are times when more than 50% of large cryptographic trading platforms are excess / close / inoperable for long pe...