
Menampilkan postingan dari Mei, 2018

BitProperty - позволяет вам инвестировать в недвижимость во всем мире на начальном этапе строительства

Эта платформа позволит вам инвестировать в недвижимость во всем мире на начальном этапе строительства. При этом инвестиции могут быть минимальными, при этом очень хороший доход составляет около 150% годовых. Платформа BitProperty обеспечивает безопасный и эффективный способ участия в совместной работе, поскольку все операции над объектами недвижимости хранятся в интеллектуальных контрактах. Таким образом, платформа BitProperty представляет собой сочетание юридических, финансовых, технических и блокирующих областей, которые действительно радикально меняют рынок недвижимости. Основная цель проекта - дать возможность всем заинтересованным лицам участвовать в инвестировании, в то же время разработчики получают большое количество заинтересованных лиц, которые хотят приобрести недвижимость на этапе строительства. Свойства проекта BitProperty Экосистема BitProperty полностью охватывает цикл инвестиций в высокодоходные проекты и помогает потенциальным объектам недвижимос...

AFELI COIN-blokchin is the platform that for the first time introduces a unique creative idea in a symbolic economic market economy, which can start a personal trading and digital asset exchange platform.

Hallo my friends blogger .. Today I will review a very remarkable program. In peeled thoroughly with great detail so easy to understand Hope can be your reference in decision making Afeli is an innovative 3D market, seamless integration with new social networks Decentralization projects that have the best value for potential investors or investors, is one project that will grow rapidly, because fluctuations in exchange of digital assets at the beginning of this year increased significantly. This network definition uses a completely unique theme from other platform platforms around the world, having a balance value and an investment process that has a profit value that exceeds the capital required for modern digital asset trading. AFELI COIN blockchin is the platform that for the first time introduces a unique creative idea in a symbolic economic market economy, which can start a personal trading and digital asset exchange platform. AFELI SOLUTIONS Afeli comp...

QOMPASS-provides a solution to the hitch that the early generations of Blockchain faced,

Abstract The world of Blockchain and the digital currency have opened new avenues of understanding on decentralization. This is not just a challenge the traditional perspective of financial transactions, but also focuses on eliminating loopholes associated with traditional financial systems. This demonstrates how blockchain technology has been sophisticated and how it is able to reduce global boundaries by offering an opportunity to have a different and better future for the whole world. Although blockchain technology is still at an early stage and encounters multiple hitches in terms of service quality, ease of use and performance, each generation of innovative Blockchain, making it a better choice. The main strength of Blockchain technology is how it was able to use a decentralized system. However, the lack of real-world applications and business and technological constraints, Qompass thrives to provide solutions to the barriers commonly faced by early generations of Blo...

XchangeRate-provides tools to test strategies and filters with real-world conditions and test strategy results.

INTRODUCTION XCHANGERATE.IO The first platform of the SaaS App Augmented Intelligence Platform, which provides data mining for sellers using automation and decentralization strategies. TO LEARN MORE Successful day trading requires decisions based on several market movements. Collecting the necessary information quickly and effortlessly requires advanced metric intelligence and automation. XchangeRate provides all this and much more in the mix, which makes it easy and quick to start making profits and safely. We proudly present our product to the world. Strong pre-installed filters XchangeRate is a platform developed by traders for traders. Automatic filter setting has a predefined strategy that requires minimal effort. Approach to the functional strategy of the cross XchangeRate analyzes the metric attributes of each coin on the exchange and loop through a strategy filter for incoming signals and assigns values ​​to the preferences scale and trigger...


VOLT 是一個平台,允許 Uber 等集中式平台以分散方式開發,並支持通過 P2P 直接交付。 優步等車型作為中間商擔當中央控制的角色,收取20%以上的費用。 VOLT 的 P2P 直接交易模式是一種高效的模式,旨在通過降低客戶和信使的直接成本來降低經紀費,降至5%以下,甚至希望完全消除。 現有的交付模式是一個集中模式,帶有一個稱為 Hub&Spoke 的系統。 這種包括DHL在內的集中模式已經在全球交付市場中佔據主導地位。 但是,集中模式無法滿足當天交付的需求。 VOLT 是基於區塊鏈的 P2P 交付模式,可以比現有模型更有效地解決當天交付的限制。 核心概念 分權 VOLT是一個分散的平台。 沒有中間人或經紀人,這導致了為客戶提供的成本降低,並且也使得信使的利潤最大化。 透明度 在VOLT,我們提供了一個透明的環境。 所有客戶和信使或送貨公司均可從費用和開支的隱私和透明度中受益。 安全 一個安全的支付系統,允許兩個認證的P2P實體發送和接收在VOLT Tokens中保存的錢,直到雙方成功交換服務為止。 特徵 當天發貨 VOLT的同一天發貨將交貨時間縮短為1-5小時,而現有的網上購物商場則為1-3天。 Hub&spoke是一個收集所有物品的系統,將它們分類,然後傳送到目的地。 這意味著任何從32街到紐約曼哈頓第54街的包裹都將被送到特拉華州進行分類並在曼哈頓交付。 這是非常耗時的,並且還導致了大量的倉儲成本。 為了解決這種低效率問題,位於第32街附近的信使只收集附近發送的信息並將其作為P2P發送,以便在幾個小時內發送。 它如何在市場上運作 VOLT 的商業模式連接客戶和信使,並提供利用大數據的定制算法和使用智能合約進行簡單服務交付的匹配系統。客戶需要VOLT硬幣才能使用此服務。 在交付食品,貨物,運輸距離,所需時間時,考慮到貨物的重量應根據工作難度的大小來確定。我們稱這個工作單位為“Jula”。例如,如果客戶想將貨物運送到距離2公里的地點,並且您需要 600 Jula,1200 Jula 需要將相同的貨物運送到6公里外的B點。 VOLT 正在開發一種計算這項工作量的最佳算法,並將為一些特殊交付引入最低投標(拍賣)系統。 服務買方要求交付時需要 VOLT 硬幣。也就是說,為了要求...