Digipharms-aims to accelerate the restructuring of the health insurance system

What is Digipharms?
Solutions Digipharms, aimed at accelerating the restructuring of much-needed medical care. systems for this value-based approach. The current lack of a global health infrastructure leads to significant inefficiencies, depletion and the least optimal health outcomes.
In the current health field, there is no incentive for system health and service providers to focus on mutually beneficial cooperation.
What is Vision Digipharms?
The vision of Digipharms should be a pioneer in providing valuable health care, generating innovative evidence and empowering patients in the field of industrial health using revolutionary blockchain technology. Digipharm is committed to using innovative blockchain technology to address innovative patient access and price barriers, reduce costs for all stakeholders and reduce infrastructure constraints to increase value, stimulate innovation and transform personalized health services.
The reimbursement platform will use the advantageous functions of automated "smart contracting", allowing flexible pricing models and patient access schemes in real time between providers of health services, payers and health information systems and administrations of agencies participating in the agency to eliminate the need for manual data processing and pricing processing ,
The reimbursement platform will drastically reduce the administrative costs associated with the implementation of cost-based pricing schemes, and possibly change the prices of medicines and health care, as we know today.
The agreed personalized contract terms will be encoded on the Reimburse platform via an easily accessible user interface and automatically
are fulfilled when the terms of the contract are fulfilled. The reimbursement will also allow the implementation of certain pricing conditions in the same transaction, using intellectual contract technology, thereby providing dynamic and personal pricing solutions, as it passes through constraints related to the current infrastructure.
The dynamic nature of reimbursement allows health systems and producers to more effectively manage and monitor their budgets than is possible today. Comprehensive price agreements will not result in any additional sources of use or cost that can be incurred if a detailed transaction is carried out using the existing system.
For example, health stakeholders may agree to reimburse 50% of treatment costs after 6 months of patient survival and 75% of treatment costs for a period of 6 to 9 months, and then 100% of the cost of therapy thereafter, including conditions based on adverse events, biomarkers diseases and reduced care as a result of treatment, with a minimal additional administrative burden
Market opportunities
At present, there is no comparative platform that can provide measurable dynamics and price solutions to facilitate financing decisions between producers and payers.
With the further development of pharmaceutical innovations, it is expected that hundreds of new agents will be approved for the next 5 years. In the global clinical development, more than 7,000 drugs more than ever (PhRMA 2017); with more than 450 new clinical trials, starting in 2017 (Reuters 2017). According to experts, of the 7,000 drugs under development, about 70% have the potential to be the first in the class.
In addition, individual drugs are examined in different areas of the disease to find populations that will benefit from treatment.
In some areas of the disease, combine several innovative drugs to support the best results for patients who are actively exploring (for example, for cancer treatment). Thanks to such high levels of innovation that are ready to provide unprecedented benefits to patients, health systems and manufacturers must work together to align innovative pricing solutions.
Cancer drugs have been most widely studied in recent years and lead to growth in the pharmaceutical pharmaceutical pipeline of 2009. This poses significant challenges, because these drugs often carry high price tags that explain the benefits they receive. The cost of patented cancer
Drugs in the United States alone have increased 5-10 times since the turn of the century, median pharmacotherapy costs about $ 100,000 per year with patients who usually account for 20-30% as joint payments (Kantarijan et al., 2014). High prices for innovative therapies that may or may not work,
Characteristics of the DPH marker
- Delivery: 100 000 000
- Fixed (ERC-20)
- Product Code: DPH
- Decimal numbers: 18
- The cost of Token 1.00 USD
- 9.2 Characteristics of the DPH marker
Information on the sale of the DPH token
- Advance sale: 15,000,000 DPH
- Base price: 1.00 USD
- Presale length: 4 weeks
- Discount for sale: 35%
Main sales: 50 000 000 VAT
- Sunday 1: 25% Dibekukan 25 juta token
- Sunday 2: 15% Dibekukan 15 jute token
- Sunday 3: 10% Dibekukan 10 juta token
- Sunday 4: 1.00 USD

The Digitharm Team Batchy Team program offers 500,000 Digipharm tokens, using bonus campaigns that started at this time. Each token costs $ 1. There will be a second round of the gift program with the same suggestions.
Распределение Баунти
- Подпись Bounty 25% - 125 000
- ПереводToken15% - 75 000
- YoutubeToken / Blogging Bounty 20% - 100 000 Token
- Bounty Facebook 15% - 125,000 Token
- Twitter Bounty 15% - 125 000
- TelegramTokenBounty 10% - 50 000 токенов
For more information, visit our LINK below:
Website: https://www.digipharm.ch/
Technical document: https://digipharm.ch/docs/DigipharmWP.pdf
author:green galunggung
My Eth: 0x9728aFB8f28CA4E39BfAEF1Df10Deae74d564120
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