Buddy-creates a market for app developers to monetize their automation solutions and give them to other users.
BUDDY is a platform for building decentralized applications and software with blockchain that will be very easy on the road and in operation. In today's era, not a few economic and industrial actors compete to advance each other's struggle by making various steps and theories of marketing theory becoming a product that can penetrate various sectors, and to support it one of the most prominent method and not rarely the most important point is the development of technology, the day of technological progress will be the most important step that must be mastered for all actors of economic affairs and industrial developers.
Currently not a few platforms that introduce for the development and manufacture of blockchain-based software, but not infrequently have the capacity and equipment that is not more complete and too difficult to operate. so it just makes the industry owners will continue to be difficult to implement into a softwere that is really worth to use. Blockchain becomes the challenge as well as the latest technological developments that must be faced in the current era of globalization.
There are many reasons why choosing Buddy as the best application development platform. Some of the reasons are as follows :
Buddy's team has skills in the field and is professional, Tim will provide quality services to its loyal customers.
Has a team of experienced advisors in his field and has become an expert ICO - ICO famous and already successful.
Buddy's partnership has grown stronger, as evidenced by its verified partnership with Microsoft, Google, Ghitub, Amazon and Docker.
The best products with a wide range of famous companies and customers.
The market continues to grow rapidly and will listig first time on the exchange MBAex.
Buddy Features
BUDDY has various advantages that will be able to solve the case of the problems above. BUDDY has a very complete feature that is able to deliver a very simple and efficient development process.
GRID Automation - Using a decentralized Infrastructure to run unlimited number of tasks of automation for application development
Automation PipelinesUsing Automation application development and deployment with more than 70 steps ready to use.
SandboxesPreview a full & test environment that serves as an automatic instant app preview for every branch of code.
Uses Bot-developed automation for Blockchain applications to make it smarter, better & faster and more efficient.
The rich palette with custom integration provides comprehensive support for many piles
DevOps MarketplaceAvailable App store for developers by developers with solutions that automate application development.

- Name : Buddy
- Token Symbol : BUD
- Platform : Ethereum ERC20
- Token Price : 1 BUD = 0.0002 ETH
- HardCap : 60,000 ETH.
- Emission level : No new token will be created.
- Token Emission Date : up to 30 days after the token expires.
- Conditions : Unsold tokens when crowsale will be burned.
- Total Suplay Token : Maximum Token 470.000.000 BUD Allocated for Sales Token.
The final amount depends on the bonus that will be applied in Crowdsale.

- Private Sale of 15 June - 15 July 2018
- Pre-sale on 23 July - 30 July 2018
- Crowdsale begins August 1, 2018
ICO Timeline
Allocation of Token

Use of Funds:
Fund raising when ICO will be implemented for growth advancement as well as the Decentralized Application system supplied with GRID Individual Automation and Joint, Ops Dev Market, creating Buddy open source, and technicians for Block Chain software development: DApp OS, distributing Block-Chains as Service Ops and Block-chains.
As the growing SAAS trade, we also know that having a very large product is not enough. To ensure market success as well as buyer token ROI BUD, ICO will finance the implementation of its marketing agenda. Furthermore, we want to be an area to explore the block-growth growth skills for today's programmers as well as those soon, backed by free entry to the Buddy platform (students & teachers).

For more information, you can visit LINK below :
Website : https://token.buddy.works/
Telegram : https://t.me/buddytoken
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/gitbuddy/
Twitter : https://twitter.com/buddygit
Medium : https://medium.com/@BuddyWorks
Ghitub : https://github.com/buddy-works
Whitepaper : https://files.buddy.works/ico/BuddyWhitepaper.pdf
ANN Thread : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3798597
Bounty Thread : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4258059.0
author : green mountain
My Eth : 0x9728aFB8f28CA4E39BfAEF1Df10Deae74d564120
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